Türk Prysmian Kablo CEO Ülkü Özcan is among "Türkiye's 50 Most Powerful Female CEOs"


Ülkü Özcan rose to 11th place in the list of "Türkiye's 50 Most Powerful Female CEOs".

İSTANBUL - TÜRKİYE   -   12/12/2022 - 04:30 PM

Türk Prysmian Kablo CEO Ülkü Özcan, was awarded by ranking 11th in the list of "Türkiye's 50 Most Powerful Female CEOs", which is presented to female managers who make a difference in the sector.

Ülkü Özcan, who successfully continues the leadership of Türk Prysmian Kablo, the Turkish operation of Prysmian Group that is the world leader in the energy and telecommunication cables industry, is among the 50 most powerful female CEOs in Türkiye.

Türk Prysmian Kablo CEO Ülkü Özcan, who received her award at the 11th "50 Powerful Women CEO Summit" organized this year under the leadership of Ekonomist and Capital magazines, rose one place compared to last year and ranked 11th in the list of "Türkiye's 50 Most Powerful Women CEOs".

Türk Prysmian Kablo CEO Ülkü Özcan, who has been in senior management positions for years and is an important leader in the Turkish business world, received a meaningful award for the steps taken by the company within the scope of its vision of diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity.

“We attach great importance to women taking important roles in the business world.”

Sharing her views on the award she received, Türk Prysmian CEO Ülkü Özcan said, “Removing the obstacles for women in the business world is a must for both a strong society and a strong economy. Today, the rate of women in senior and middle level management positions in our country is 20.7%, according to TURKSTAT data. Although it is pleasing that this rate has increased compared to previous years, we see that we have a long way to go when we compare it with that in OECD countries. It is very important for women to take important roles in the business world in terms of creating role models for young people, supporting female employees and contributing to the profitability of companies from different perspectives. I am also very proud to lead a company that has a vision of diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity.”

“We support our group's goal of increasing the rate of female managers to 30 percent by 2030.”

Türk Prysmian Kablo CEO Ülkü Özcan underlined that the company, which constantly increases the number of female employees in the cable industry, which has been generally seen as a "men's job" until now, and which moves forward with a female leader, is an example for the sector, and said, "We adopt the goal of 'increasing the diversity and proportion of female employees in the workforce' in our company's sustainability vision and carry out many studies in this field. For example, our company launched the STEM IT program to ensure that women are more involved in the STEM field. As Türk Prysmian Kablo, we aim to employ more than 500 women, support their development and give them technical and scientific roles with the STEM IT program in which we are involved. As Türk Prysmian Kablo, one third of our middle and senior level management staff consists of female colleagues. In our company, which employs 585 people, the number of female employees is 57 and 11 of our mid-level managers are female colleagues. Our rate of female directors on the board of directors is 50 percent. As Türk Prysmian Kablo, we will also continue to support female employees in line with the goal of increasing the rate of female employees assigned to management positions and senior leadership roles to 30 percent, which is among our group's 2030 commitments.”

A successful career journey crowned with awards

The CEO of the company, Ülkü Özcan, who supports the participation of women in the workforce and reinforces its vision of employing more female employees in senior roles with the awards she has received, has a bachelor's degree from Marmara University, Department of Business Administration in English. Having worked as Senior Strategist, Strategy and Business Development Manager, and Marketing Manager at Lafarge Türkiye between 1998 and 2010, Ülkü Özcan started to work in many positions, especially as CEO, at Çimsa Cement, a subsidiary of Sabancı Holding, in 2010. Ülkü Özcan, who worked as a consultant to Turkish and foreign companies after leaving Çimsa in 2020, has been serving as the CEO of Türk Prysmian Kablo since June 1, 2021. Ülkü Özcan was selected as "Successful Female Manager of the Year in Bursa" by Bursa Businesswomen and Managers Association (BUİKAD) in March 2022.