Türk Prysmian Kablo publishes its 2022 Sustainability Report

categories: Corporate 

Sharing its sustainability efforts and its performance throughout the year in this field with all its stakeholders and the public, Türk Prysmian Kablo published its Sustainability Report evaluating the year 2022.

İSTANBUL - TURKEY   -   24/10/2023 - 08:45 AM

Türk Prysmian Kablo, which saved nearly 2 million kWh of energy and 92,000 liters of fuel with its responsible production projects in 2022, carries out its work with the mission of “Connecting Türkiye to a Sustainable Future”.

Türk Prysmian Kablo, the Turkish operation of Prysmian Group that is the world leader in the energy and telecommunication cables industry, published its Sustainability Report. Underlining that the report was a commitment to achieve the company's goals in the field of sustainability, Türk Prysmian Kablo CEO Ülkü Özcan said, “As Türk Prysmian Kablo, with our vision of leading the sector and with our investments in innovative technologies and digitalization, we work to develop cable connection and transmission technologies, which are of great importance for sustainable development. We carry out our sustainability efforts, which we integrate into all our activities with our mission of 'Connecting Türkiye to a Sustainable Tomorrow', in cooperation with our employees and stakeholders. We continue to contribute to the national economy with our vision of being an investment company that creates continuous satisfaction for our customers and high value for our shareholders, our corporate culture, and agile structure.”

“We saved nearly 2 million kWh of energy”

Stating that they adopted Prysmian Group's climate targets, Türk Prysmian Kablo CEO Ülkü Özcan said, “We embraced Prysmian Group's commitment to net-zero in Scope 1 and Scope 2 by 2035, and to net-zero in Scope 3 by 2050, and incorporated it into our business practices and supported projects determined to contribute to these goals. With the projects we carried out towards responsible production in 2022, we saved a total of 1,915,853 kWh of energy and 92,000 liters of fuel. As of 2022, we recover 91 percent of our waste. We plan to improve this rate with the waste mapping study carried out in the field.”

“We were awarded Türkiye's first local electric vehicle TOGG factory project”

Stating that supporting the transition to clean energy and sustainable energy sources is of great importance, Türk Prysmian Kablo CEO Ülkü Özcan said, “We are proud to have been awarded the TOGG Factory project in 2022, where Türkiye's first local and fully electric vehicle is produced with our new-generation environmentally friendly cables. The solar power plants, of which we are a part as Türk Prysmian Kablo, can meet the 1-month electricity needs of approximately 9 million households with the electricity they produce. In other words, we can say that within the framework of these projects, we have provided enough cables to circumnavigate the world once. We continue to put our signature under the mega renewable energy projects in Türkiye, from Karapınar YEKA-1 project, the largest solar power plant in Türkiye, to the first and largest high-voltage submarine cable projects, from the most important wind power plant projects to the largest fiber optic cable projects.”

“Global crises once again show the importance of sustainability”

Underlining that a difficult year was left behind in 2022, Türk Prysmian Kablo CEO Ülkü Özcan shared her views on the evaluation of the year as follows: “At the beginning of this year, we encountered earthquake disasters that shook our country and affected 11 provinces. This disaster once again showed us how vital the 'Zero and Beyond' principle is in Occupational Health and Safety, which we, as Türk Prysmian Kablo, approach with a people-first philosophy. The year 2022 witnessed developments that deeply affected global dynamics in Türkiye and the world. Developments such as the energy crisis and the high inflation period, which affected all countries on a global scale, once again demonstrated the importance of adopting an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) approach in terms of creating sustainable value. We steadily continued our sustainability journey that we started in 2019. We moved forward in this direction with our 'Sign it' sustainability plan that we created in 2020 and our work towards our 2030 goals. In addition, as Türk Prysmian Kablo, we contributed to the sustainability strategy of the MEART Region, of which we are a part.”